In Oracle SQL Developer, How Do I Automatically Generate a Relational Diagram Which is 2 “Levels” Deep?
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In Oracle SQL Developer, How Do I Automatically Generate a Relational Diagram Which is 2 “Levels” Deep?

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Have you ever struggled to visualize the complex relationships between your database tables? Do you wish there was an easy way to generate a relational diagram that shows not just the immediate relationships, but also the relationships of those related tables? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to automatically generate a relational diagram in Oracle SQL Developer that’s two “levels” deep.

What Do We Mean by “Levels” Deep?

When we say “two levels deep”, we mean that the diagram will show not just the immediate relationships between tables, but also the relationships of those related tables. For example, if we have a table called “ORDERS” that’s related to a table called “CUSTOMERS”, a one-level deep diagram would only show the relationship between “ORDERS” and “CUSTOMERS”. A two-level deep diagram, on the other hand, would also show the relationships of “CUSTOMERS” with other tables, such as “ADDRESSES” or “PAYMENT_METHODS”.

Why Do We Need a Relational Diagram?

A relational diagram is an essential tool for any database developer or administrator. It helps us visualize the structure of our database, identify relationships between tables, and understand how data flows through the system. With a relational diagram, we can:

  • Easily identify relationships between tables
  • Understand data flows and dependencies
  • Identify potential normalization issues
  • Optimize database performance
  • Communicate complex database concepts to others


Before we dive into the instructions, make sure you have:

  • Oracle SQL Developer installed on your machine
  • A valid Oracle database connection
  • Privileges to access the database schema

Step 1: Create a New Relational Model

Open Oracle SQL Developer and create a new relational model by following these steps:

  1. Click on the “File” menu and select “New” -> “Relational Model”
  2. In the “Create Relational Model” dialog, enter a name for your model and select the database connection you want to use
  3. Click “OK” to create the new model

Step 2: Select the Tables You Want to Include

In the relational model, select the tables you want to include in your diagram. You can do this by:

  1. Expanding the “Tables” node in the “Connections” tree
  2. Checking the boxes next to the tables you want to include
  3. Dragging and dropping the selected tables into the relational model canvas

Step 3: Configure the Diagram Settings

In the relational model canvas, click on the “Diagram” menu and select “Properties”. In the “Diagram Properties” dialog, configure the following settings:

Setting Value
Diagram Type Entity-Relationship
Maximum Hops 2
Show Relationships Checked
Show Tables Checked

The “Maximum Hops” setting is the key to generating a two-level deep diagram. This setting determines how many levels of relationships the diagram will show.

Step 4: Generate the Relational Diagram

With the settings configured, click on the “Diagram” menu and select “Generate”. Oracle SQL Developer will automatically generate a relational diagram that shows the relationships between the selected tables, as well as the relationships of those related tables.

Note: Depending on the complexity of your database and the number of tables you've selected, generating the diagram may take some time.

Step 5: Customize the Diagram (Optional)

If you want to customize the diagram, you can use the various tools and features provided by Oracle SQL Developer. For example, you can:

  • Rearrange the layout of the diagram to better suit your needs
  • Hide or show specific relationships or tables
  • Change the appearance of the diagram, such as the font, color, and shape of the elements
  • Export the diagram to an image or PDF file


Automatically generating a relational diagram in Oracle SQL Developer is a powerful way to visualize the complex relationships between your database tables. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a two-level deep diagram that shows not just the immediate relationships, but also the relationships of those related tables. With this diagram, you’ll be better equipped to understand your database, identify potential issues, and optimize performance.

Tip: Experiment with different diagram settings and customization options to find the perfect combination for your needs.

Now, go ahead and give it a try! Generate your own relational diagram and unlock the secrets of your database.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to visualize your Oracle database like a pro! Here are the answers to your burning questions about generating a relational diagram in Oracle SQL Developer.

How do I generate a relational diagram in Oracle SQL Developer?

To generate a relational diagram, navigate to the “View” menu, select “Relational” and then choose “Model” or press Ctrl + Shift + M. This will open the “Model” tab where you can create a new relational model.

How do I specify the levels of depth for my relational diagram?

To specify the levels of depth, go to the “Model” tab, right-click on the table or view you want to start with, and select “Include Related” and then choose the desired level of depth (in this case, 2 levels deep). You can also use the “Include Related” button in the top-right corner of the “Model” tab.

Can I customize the appearance of my relational diagram?

Absolutely! You can customize the appearance of your relational diagram by right-clicking on the diagram and selecting “Properties”. From there, you can adjust the layout, colors, and font styles to your heart’s content.

How do I save my relational diagram for future reference?

To save your relational diagram, go to the “File” menu and select “Save As”. Choose a location and file type (such as SVG or PNG) and give your diagram a descriptive name. You can also save it as a report by selecting “Data” > “Report” and then choosing a report format.

Are there any limitations to generating relational diagrams in Oracle SQL Developer?

Yes, there are some limitations. The relational diagram feature is only available in Oracle SQL Developer version 4.0 and later. Additionally, complex diagrams with many tables and relationships may become difficult to read or slow to generate. But don’t worry, with a little practice, you’ll be creating stunning relational diagrams in no time!