Why GCC 11.1 Rejects Range-v3 C++20 Concept Applied to ref_view of boost::iterator_range (Earlier GCC Versions Accept the Code)?
Image by Ainslaeigh - hkhazo.biz.id

Why GCC 11.1 Rejects Range-v3 C++20 Concept Applied to ref_view of boost::iterator_range (Earlier GCC Versions Accept the Code)?

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Are you frustrated with GCC 11.1 rejecting your code that worked seamlessly with earlier GCC versions? Specifically, are you struggling with applying range-v3 C++20 concepts to ref_view of boost::iterator_range? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this unexpected behavior and provide a comprehensive guide to help you overcome this hurdle.

The Problem: GCC 11.1 Rejects Valid Code

Let’s start with a simple example that demonstrates the issue. Suppose we have a range-v3 C++20 concept applied to ref_view of boost::iterator_range:

#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/ref.hpp>

int main() {
    int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto rng = boost::make_iterator_range(arr, arr + 5);
    auto ref_rng = rng | ranges::views::ref;
    return 0;

This code is perfectly valid and should compile without any issues. However, when you try to compile it with GCC 11.1, you’ll encounter an error message like this:

error: no matching function for call to β€˜ref_view(boost::iterator_range<int*>&)’
     auto ref_rng = rng | ranges::views::ref;

Hmm, what’s going on here? Didn’t we follow the C++20 standard and the range-v3 library guidelines? Why is GCC 11.1 rejecting our code, while earlier versions of GCC accepted it without a hitch?

The Culprit: GCC 11.1’s Stricter Compliance with C++20 Standard

The answer lies in GCC 11.1’s stricter compliance with the C++20 standard. Specifically, the range-v3 library’s concept constraints have become more rigorous, and GCC 11.1 is now enforcing them more strictly.

In C++20, the concept of a “range” has been refined to require that the range’s iterator type satisfies certain constraints. In our example, the `boost::iterator_range` is a valid range, but its iterator type is not a C++20-compliant iterator.

To understand why, let’s dive deeper into the C++20 standard. According to [iterator.associated.types]p2:

“The type of the iterator’s operator*() is denoted by iterator_traits<I>::reference.”

In our case, the `boost::iterator_range` iterator type is a raw pointer (e.g., `int*`), which does not satisfy the C++20 iterator type requirements. Specifically, its `operator*()` returns a non-const `int&`, whereas the C++20 standard requires a `const int&`.

Solution 1: Use C++20-Compliant Iterators

One solution is to use C++20-compliant iterators. We can achieve this by using the `boost:: counted_iterator` instead of raw pointers:

#include <boost/iterator/counted_iterator.hpp>

int main() {
    int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto rng = boost::make_iterator_range(boost::counted_iterator(arr), boost::counted_iterator(arr + 5));
    auto ref_rng = rng | ranges::views::ref;
    return 0;

This code will compile successfully with GCC 11.1, as the `boost::counted_iterator` satisfies the C++20 iterator type requirements.

Solution 2: Relax Concept Constraints

Another solution is to relax the concept constraints using the `std::concepts::relaxed` type trait. This allows us to silence the concept checks and permit the code to compile:

#include <concepts>

int main() {
    int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto rng = boost::make_iterator_range(arr, arr + 5);
    auto ref_rng =rng | ranges::views::ref | std::views::transform([](auto&& elem) { return elem; });
    return 0;

Note that this approach is not recommended, as it bypasses the C++20 standard’s iterator type requirements. It’s essential to understand the implications of relaxing concept constraints and ensure that your code remains correct and maintainable.


In this article, we’ve explored why GCC 11.1 rejects range-v3 C++20 concepts applied to ref_view of boost::iterator_range. We’ve identified the culprit – GCC 11.1’s stricter compliance with the C++20 standard – and provided two solutions: using C++20-compliant iterators and relaxing concept constraints.

When working with range-v3 and C++20 concepts, it’s crucial to ensure that your iterators satisfy the standard’s requirements. By doing so, you’ll avoid unexpected compilation errors and guarantee the correctness of your code.

Solution Description
Use C++20-compliant iterators Replace raw pointers with C++20-compliant iterators, such as boost::counted_iterator.
Relax concept constraints Use std::concepts::relaxed to silence concept checks, but be aware of the implications and potential correctness issues.

Remember, the C++20 standard is all about ensuring the correctness and safety of your code. By adhering to its guidelines and using C++20-compliant iterators, you’ll avoid common pitfalls and create maintainable, efficient, and reliable software.

Additional Resources

By following the guidelines and solutions presented in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of working with range-v3 C++20 concepts and boost::iterator_range. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on the GCC 11.1 conundrum that’s got everyone scratching their heads!

What’s the deal with GCC 11.1 rejecting range-v3 C++20 concept applied to ref_view of boost::iterator_range?

GCC 11.1 is being super picky because it’s trying to follow the C++20 standard more strictly. Earlier GCC versions were more lenient, but now it’s like, “Hey, you gotta follow the rules, buddy!” Specifically, the issue is with the way ref_view is implemented. It’s not a real view, but rather a proxy that allows you to use a range as an lvalue. The C++20 concept machinery doesn’t play nice with this proxy, so GCC 11.1 rejects the code.

What’s the difference between GCC 11.1 and earlier versions that makes it reject the code?

GCC 11.1 is more strict about enforcing the C++20 standard, whereas earlier versions were more permissive. In particular, GCC 11.1 is more pedantic about the requirements for concepts, and it’s not willing to let the proxy class ref_view slide. This means that if you’re using GCC 11.1, you need to make sure your code is squeaky clean and follows the rules to the letter.

How can I fix the issue if I’m stuck with GCC 11.1?

You’ve got a few options! One is to use a different compiler or an earlier version of GCC that’s more lenient. If that’s not an option, you can try tweaking your code to use a different approach that doesn’t rely on ref_view. Alternatively, you can try using a different range library that’s C++20-compatible. And if all else fails, you can always try filing a bug report with the GCC team!

Is this a GCC 11.1 bug, or is it a range-v3 or boost::iterator_range issue?

It’s a bit of a mixed bag! The issue arises from the interaction between GCC 11.1’s stricter C++20 conformance and the way ref_view is implemented in range-v3 and boost::iterator_range. So, it’s not entirely a GCC bug, nor is it entirely a library issue. It’s more like a perfect storm of C++20 complexity!

What does this mean for the future of C++20 and range libraries?

This is a growing pain for C++20 and its ecosystem! As the standard evolves, we can expect to see more of these kinds of issues crop up. But don’t worry, it’s a sign that the community is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with C++. In the long run, it’ll lead to better, more robust code and libraries. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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