Is there a replacement for @Type(type="pg-uuid") from Hibernate 6.1?
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Is there a replacement for @Type(type="pg-uuid") from Hibernate 6.1?

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With the release of Hibernate 6.1, developers who have grown accustomed to using the @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation to map PostgreSQL UUID columns to Java UUID objects are in for a surprise – this annotation is no longer available! But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the removal, and more importantly, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to replace it.

Why was @Type(type="pg-uuid") removed?

The @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation was a Hibernate-specific annotation that allowed developers to map PostgreSQL UUID columns to Java UUID objects. However, as of Hibernate 6.1, this annotation has been deprecated and removed in favor of more standardized and flexible approaches.

The main reason for this removal is to align Hibernate with the Java Persistence API (JPA) specification. The JPA specification does not provide a built-in way to map UUID columns to Java UUID objects, and Hibernate’s @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation was a non-standard extension.

What are the alternatives?

Now that @Type(type="pg-uuid") is no longer available, you’re probably wondering what alternatives exist to achieve the same functionality. Fear not, dear reader, for there are several approaches you can take:

1. Use the @Column(columnDefinition = "uuid") annotation

One approach is to use the @Column(columnDefinition = "uuid") annotation to specify the column definition as a PostgreSQL UUID column. This approach works, but it has its limitations. For instance, it doesn’t provide a way to specify the UUID type explicitly, and it relies on the database to correctly handle the UUID type.

public class MyEntity {
    @Column(columnDefinition = "uuid")
    private UUID id;
    // getters and setters

2. Use the AttributeConverter API

A more robust approach is to use the AttributeConverter API, which is part of the JPA specification. This API allows you to define a custom converter that maps between a Java type (in this case, UUID) and a database type (in this case, PostgreSQL UUID).

public class UUIDAttributeConverter implements AttributeConverter<UUID, UUID> {
    public UUID convertToDatabaseColumn(UUID attribute) {
        return attribute;
    public UUID convertToEntityAttribute(UUID dbData) {
        return dbData;

Once you’ve defined the converter, you can use it to map the UUID column:

public class MyEntity {
    @Convert(converter = UUIDAttributeConverter.class)
    private UUID id;
    // getters and setters

3. Use Hibernate’s @TypeDef annotation

Hibernate provides an alternative to the AttributeConverter API through its @TypeDef annotation. This annotation allows you to define a custom type definition that can be used to map a Java type to a database type.

@TypeDef(name = "uuid", typeClass = UUIDType.class)
public class MyEntity {
    @Type(type = "uuid")
    private UUID id;
    // getters and setters

In this example, we define a custom type definition called “uuid” that maps to the UUIDType class. The UUIDType class is a custom type that handles the mapping between the Java UUID type and the PostgreSQL UUID type.

Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing @Type(type="pg-uuid")

Now that we’ve explored the alternatives, let’s provide a step-by-step guide on how to replace @Type(type="pg-uuid") in your existing codebase:

  1. Identify all occurrences of @Type(type="pg-uuid") in your codebase.

  2. Decide on the replacement approach you want to use (AttributeConverter API, @TypeDef annotation, or @Column(columnDefinition = "uuid")).

  3. If using the AttributeConverter API, create a custom converter class that implements the AttributeConverter interface.

  4. If using the @TypeDef annotation, create a custom type definition class that handles the mapping between the Java UUID type and the PostgreSQL UUID type.

  5. Update your entity classes to use the new approach. For example, if using the AttributeConverter API, add the @Convert annotation to the UUID field.

  6. Update your Hibernate configuration to include the custom converter or type definition.

  7. Test your code to ensure that the UUID mapping is working correctly.


In conclusion, the removal of @Type(type="pg-uuid") from Hibernate 6.1 may seem like a setback, but it provides an opportunity to adopt more standardized and flexible approaches to mapping UUID columns to Java UUID objects. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth transition to the new approaches and take advantage of the benefits they offer.

Approach Pros Cons
@Column(columnDefinition = "uuid") Easy to implement, works with most databases Limited flexibility, relies on database to handle UUID type
AttributeConverter API Flexible, works with multiple databases, JPA-compliant Requires custom converter implementation
@TypeDef annotation Flexible, works with multiple databases, Hibernate-specific Requires custom type definition implementation, not JPA-compliant

In the end, the choice of approach depends on your specific use case and requirements. Whether you choose the @Column annotation, AttributeConverter API, or @TypeDef annotation, you can rest assured that you’re using a robust and reliable solution to map UUID columns to Java UUID objects.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on the replacement for @Type(type="pg-uuid") from Hibernate 6.1!

Is the @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation still valid in Hibernate 6.1?

No, the @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation is deprecated in Hibernate 6.1 and should not be used. Instead, you can use the @Type(UUIDCharType.class) annotation to achieve the same functionality.

What is the replacement for @Type(type="pg-uuid") in Hibernate 6.1?

The replacement for @Type(type="pg-uuid") in Hibernate 6.1 is @Type(UUIDCharType.class) or @Type(UUIDBinaryType.class) depending on the type of UUID you want to use.

Why was @Type(type="pg-uuid") deprecated in Hibernate 6.1?

The @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation was deprecated in Hibernate 6.1 to improve the flexibility and extensibility of the framework. The new types UUIDCharType and UUIDBinaryType provide more features and better support for UUID data types.

Can I still use @Type(type="pg-uuid") in Hibernate 6.1?

While it is technically possible to still use @Type(type="pg-uuid") in Hibernate 6.1, it is not recommended as it is deprecated and may be removed in future versions. It’s best to upgrade to the new types UUIDCharType and UUIDBinaryType for better compatibility and support.

How do I migrate my existing code to use the new UUID types in Hibernate 6.1?

To migrate your existing code, simply replace the @Type(type="pg-uuid") annotation with either @Type(UUIDCharType.class) or @Type(UUIDBinaryType.class) depending on your use case. You may also need to update your database schema to accommodate the new UUID data types.